Most of us are familiar with the term “Mommy Makeover” and how it relates to the plastic surgery a woman may pursue after having children to help her reclaim her body’s pre-baby appearance, but have you heard of the “Daddy Do-Over?” While a man’s body doesn’t go through nearly as many physical changes as a woman’s during pregnancy, this doesn’t mean that he isn’t also subject to the unwelcomed alterations of aging. Just like women, men may feel self-conscious about aging and the appearance of their bodies. This may be why more and more men are now turning to plastic surgery procedures like tummy tucks and liposuction to help them avoid the feared “Dad Bod,” and feel confident in their appearance again!
Americans are enjoying longer and healthier lives than ever before. As a result, many of us are holding off on having children until later in life. Twice as many fathers of newborns are now in their forties, compared to the 1970s. According to research out of Stanford University Medical Center, of the roughly 4 million births each year in the U.S., about 9 percent of fathers are 40+, and approximately 40,000 newborns have fathers over 50. These aging dads want to be able to keep up with their younger children and are seeking out options to look as young as they feel!
What is a “Daddy Do-Over?”
“Like “Mommy Makeover” Surgery, a Daddy Do-Over is a catch-all phrase. Both refer to the multiple surgeries that a man or woman may have performed to help him or her improve their appearance,” explains Dr. Nathan Leigh, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon at Edina Plastic Surgery. “For women, these surgeries are often focused on the breasts and stomach area due to changes after childbirth. For men, these surgeries most commonly include abdominoplasty or ‘tummy tuck,’ and liposuction, as men are naturally predisposed to accumulate abdominal fat as we age,” he continues. “This male trait helped coin the dreaded label ‘Dad Bod’ a few years back, popularized in the media as a middle-aged man with a beer belly and a soft, overweight body with little to no muscle definition.”
What are the benefits of a Daddy Do-Over for men that combines a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction?
- A flatter, firmer, more contoured midsection
- A more sculpted and youthful looking abdomen
- Removal of loose, sagging, or flabby skin
- Repositioning of the navel to a more deal position that respects the masculine aesthetic
- Can enhance the appearance of a “six-pack” and restore vertical muscle definition
What surgeries does a “Daddy Do-Over” include?
“A Daddy Do-Over may include a facelift and blepharoplasty for some men, but I find that most are predominately concerned with the appearance of their midsection,” shares Dr. Leigh. “A trim waistline with defined abdominals is synonymous with youth and vitality when it comes to the ideal male physique in our society. Being soft in the middle can make a man feel self-conscious, unattractive, and less masculine.”
- Liposuction Surgery – Many men struggle with stubborn belly fat as they age, which is incredibly challenging to lose. Even those who lead active lifestyles, eat a healthy diet, and workout regularly can experience an extra roll of skin and fat hanging over their waistbands and ever-growing “love handles.” Liposuction is a targeted way of removing fat from specific areas of the body like the abdomen, flanks, and back resulting in a leaner, more defined midsection.
- Tummy Tuck, or Abdominoplasty Surgery – A tummy tuck removes excess skin on a man’s stomach area. It can also help reposition abdominal muscles resulting in a firmer, tighter, and more contoured abdominal profile. This surgery is adjusted to suit the more masculine concerns and shape of a man’s body. The incision is made very low, and the belly button’s repositioning is tailored to be consistent with the abdominal wall musculature found in men.
Who is the ideal candidate for a “Daddy Do-Over?”
“You don’t need to be a father to benefit from a Daddy Do-Over,” says Dr. Leigh smiling. “As long as you are a man in good health with these common concerns, you may be a good candidate for multiple surgeries.”
- Men who are concerned about loose skin around their middles due to aging or fluctuations in weight
- Men who are frustrated with stubborn pockets of fat on their stomachs, flanks, love handles, and back areas that are resistant to diet and exercise
- Men who find themselves avoiding certain activities because they are self-conscious about the appearance of their body
If you are a man considering plastic surgery to enhance your appearance and improve your self-confidence, you are not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of men pursuing cosmetic procedures has increased by almost 30 percent since 2000! Growing trends like the Daddy Do-Over show that the stigma against men having plastic surgery is rapidly eroding.
“We continue to see an increase in male patients at Edina Plastic Surgery with each passing year,” says Dr. Leigh. “Like women, many men feel as though their negative relationship with their appearance is holding them back from certain opportunities in life both personally and professionally,” he continues. “Plastic surgery can be a gateway to improving not only how you look, but also your outlook on life. A renewed appearance frequently goes hand in hand with a resurgence of self-confidence and the enjoyment of life. Men deserve that just as much as women, and they should feel justified in pursuing it!”
Are you a man who is interested in improving the appearance of your midsection and would like to discuss abdominoplasty or liposuction with one of our plastic surgeons? Schedule a complimentary in-person consultation by calling (612) 688-3177.